Rosa Lina Rocha
Tel.: 939 030 046 / 930 589 089 / 938 560 922
Semestral | Direito Europeu da Concorrência | 6 |
Semestral | Contencioso da União Europeia e Proteção dos Direitos Fundamentais | 6 |
Semester | Contemporary International Relations (Seminar) | 3 |
Semester | Territories under Threat: From Aggression to Secession | 3 |
Semester | Fundamentals of International Trade Law (Seminar) | 3 |
Semestral | The Law of International Trade Wars (Seminar) | 3 |
Semestral | European Union Internal Market (Seminar) | 3 |
Semester | Fundamentals of International Humanitarian Law | 3 |
Semester | Artificial Intelligence and International Law (Seminar) | 3 |
Semester | Global Constitutional Law (Seminar) | 3 |
Semester | Law of the Sea (Seminar) | 3 |
Semester | Towards a deformalization of the use of force (Seminar) | 3 |
Semester | Strategy (Seminar) | 3 |
Semester | Online Free Speech, States, Regulation and Big Tech (Seminar) | 3 |