Fundamentals of International Trade Law (Seminar)

3 ECTS / Semester / English

Learning Outcomes

  • To acquire the essential knowledge regarding International Economic Law (IEL) and economic European Union Law;
  • To encourage students' critical and comparative reflection on the interpretation and application of IEL and EU Law;
  • To spread students awareness as to the importance of the economic analysis of Law;
  • To demonstrate the particular relevance of the decisions of international courts enforcing IEL and of the European Court of Justice;
  • To show the relationship between IEL and national and EU Law Skills to acquire;
  • To identify the field-matters governed by IEL and EU Law, as well as the relevant regulatory instruments;
  • To find the relevant case law decisions for each field-matter;
  • To debate the several arguments that emerge out of the specific problems that arise daily in international and European economic relations;
  • To understand the interests at issue and to propose concrete legal solutions adapted to each problem.


1. History and economics of international trade integration
2. The World Trade Organization
3. The main WTO agreements: GATT, GATS and TRIPS
4. Fundamental principles of trade in goods, services, and TRIPS
    4.1. Tariffs’ only
    4.2. National treatment
    4.3. Most favoured nation
5. Special domains
   5.1. Regional Trade Agreements
   5.2. Developing countries
   5.3. Agriculture
   5.4. Sanitary and phytosanitary measures and technical barriers to trade
   5.5. Investment
   5.6. Government procurement


Professor(a) Associado(a)
Licenciado em Direito (1996), mestre em Teoria e Ciência Política (1999) e doutor em Direito (2012) pela Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Exerce…