To develop critical, logical and structered reasoning skills in the context of development and use of Artificial Intelligence. To understand the multidimensional implications of Artifical Intelligence - philosophical, ethical, technological and legal. To become aware of the difficulties in regulating AI, and, in particular at the international level. To become aware of the recent developments on the regulation of AI at the UN and the Council of Europe levels. To understand the application of existing frameworks to the development and use of AI such as Human Rights, Laws of War and State Responsibility.
Session 1. Overview on ethical, technological, philosophical and legal implications of the development and use of AI.Session 2. United Nations and Council of Europe approches to internationally regulating artificial intelligence.
Session 3. Protecting Human Rights in times of AI - legal vacuum, gaps or treaty interpretation?
Session 4. Artifical intelligence and the Laws of War.
Session 5. State responsibility and the development and use of Artificial Intelligence.
Session 6. Final open-book written exam (60%)