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Mais Informação
Resident Professors
Visiting Professors
António Silva Ribeiro

Portuguese Navy. PhD, Political Science, with aggregation in Strategic Studies, Institute of Social and Political Sciences, ISCSP, University of Lisbon. Full Professor of Theory of Strategy and Strategic Process, ISCSP, University of Lisbon. Military Professor, Naval Academy. Chief of General Staff of the Portuguese Armed Forces, since 2018. Main interests and publications: Strategy, Strategic Management, Security & Defence, Hydrography, and History.
- Strategy (Seminar)
Olivier Corten

PhD, International Law, Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB). Professor of Public International Law, International Law Methodology, Law of Peace and International Security, and Legal Sociology at the Faculty of Law of ULB. Associate member of the Institut de Droit International. He taught in several Universities around the world (France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Brazil), at the UN and at the Hague Academy of International Law. Director of the Revue Belge de Droit International. Counsel before the International Court of Justice in several cases. Several publications in international law.
Joan Barata

PhD, Public Law. Senior Fellow at Justitia's Future Free Speech project. Fellow of the Program on Platform Regulation at the Stanford Cyber Policy Center. Regularly involved in projects with international organizations such as UNESCO, the Council of Europe, the Organization of American States or the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. Secretary General of the Audiovisual Council of Catalonia, Spain (2009-2011). Member of the Permanent Secretariat of the MNRA (2005-2011). Main interests and publications: freedom of expression, media regulation and platform regulation issues.
Marc Weller

Professor, International Law and International Constitutional Studies, University of Cambridge; Fellow and former Director, Lauterpacht Centre for International Law. Served as Deputy Director of the Centre for Int. Studies, Director of the European Centre for Minority Issues. Senior Mediation Expert in the UN Secretariat; senior legal expert in a range of international peace negotiations. Editor, OUP Handbook on the Use of Force in International Law.
- International Law Under Pressure: Conflict Settlement and the Law on the Use of Force from the End of the Cold War to Ukraine (Seminar)
Paula Wojcikiewicz Almeida

Professor, International and European Law, FGV Rio de Janeiro. Director, Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, EU-South America Global Governance. Associate Researcher, Sorbonne’s Institute of International and European Law. Doctorate summa cum laude, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. Visiting scholar, Max Planck Institute for Comp. Public Law and Int. Law, 2014. Visiting professor, École de droit de la Sorbonne, 2019, and University of Salzburg, 2017-.
- Universalism, Regionalism and Integration (Seminar)
Adam Dubin

Ph.D., Law Professor, Director, LL.M Program, Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Madrid. Professor, Comparative Rights Law, NYU, Madrid. Previously, a fellow in the U.N. Office of the Co-Prosecutors, Cambodian tribunal. Worked in India and Angola on human rights issues. Publishes on human rights in developing countries. Visiting Professor in France, Portugal, China and India. Co-editor, Gender, Poverty and Access to Justice: Policy Implementation in Sub Saharan Africa, 2019.
Resident Professors
José Alberto Azeredo Lopes

PhD, International Law, Faculty of Law, UCP. Professor of Public International Law, International Legal Regimes and Arts, International Law, and International Relations, Oporto Law School, UCP. Portugal’s Minister of National Defence, 2015-2018. President, Portuguese Media Regulatory Authority, 2006-2011. Main interests and publications: self-determination of peoples, use of force, and international state responsibility.
- Contemporary International Relations
- Leading Cases of International Courts
- Arts, International Law and International Relations
Manuel Fontaine Campos

PhD, EU Law, Faculty of Law, UCP. MSc, Political Science and Theory, Political Studies Institute, UCP. Professor of Introduction to Public Law and International Trade Law, Oporto Law School, UCP. Dean, Oporto Law School, UCP. Vice-President of the Oporto Regional Centre, UCP, 2017-2021. Guest professor in several universities. Main interests and publications: Public Law, EU Law, International Trade Law, State aid and subsidies.
Maria Isabel Tavares

PhD, International Law, Faculty of Law, UCP. Professor of Public International Law, International Legal Regimes, International Humanitarian Law, and Arts, International Law, and International Relations, Oporto Law School, UCP. Political Advisor, internal and external affairs, Portuguese Minister of National Defence, 2016-2018. Main interests and publications: International Humanitarian Law, use of force, and international state responsibility.
Benedita Menezes Queiroz

PhD, European University Institute (EUI). Professor of EU Law, Public International Law and Fundamental Rights, Oporto Law School, UCP. Teaching Associate, Gender Governance Cluster, School of Transnational Governance, EUI, 2017-2018. Lecturer, University of Lisbon Law School, 2015-2017. Visiting scholar, COMPAS, Oxford University, 2014. Main interests and publications: Migration Law, Human Rights and Gender.
- European Union Internal Market (Seminar)
- Arts, International Law and International Relations
- International and European Refugee Law (Seminar)
Marta Vicente

PhD, Public Law, Coimbra Faculty of Law. Professor of Constitutional Law, European Union Law, Energy Law and International Investment Law, Oporto Law School, UCP. Member of the Disciplinary Board of the Portuguese Football Federation. Advisor, Portuguese Constitutional Court Judge's Office, 2021-2015. Main interests and publications: Constitutional Law, Energy Law, International Investment Law, and international arbitration.
- Investment Treaty Arbitration (Seminar)
Armando Rocha

Professor of Public International Law, Católica Lisbon School of Law. Specializes in the Law of the Sea and Climate Change Law. Invited professor, Catholic University of Lille, France, and the University of St. Joseph (Macao, China). Visiting professor at Reichman University, Israel, 2019. National rapporteur, Sabin Center for Climate Change Law, Columbia University. Coordinator of the research group of the Law Schools Global League on Environmental Regulation (Climate Change Law and Litigation).
Nuno Pinheiro Torres

Lecturer of Public International Law and International Criminal Law, Oporto Law School, UCP. Director-General of Defence Policy at the Portuguese Ministry of Defence, 2012-2020. Legal Officer in UNITAD - Investigative Team to Promote Accountability for Crimes Committed by Da'esh/ISIL in Iraq, 2020. Public Defender in the Special Panel for Serious Crimes in East Timor (UNTAET), 2001. Main interests and publications: International Criminal Law.