In times when anthropogenic climate change is arguably one of the major global challenges, the European Union has endeavoured to establish itself as a global champion in fighting its causes and mitigating effects. This course is designed to assist law students in better understanding the implementation and enforcement of EU environmental law, which has recently become more complex and multilayered. Furthermore, students will also become acquainted with EU environmental strategies (e.g., biodiversity strategy for 2030). Upon completion of this course students will acquire in-depth knowledge of material EU environmental law, be able to refer particular case law and point to collisions with other areas of human activity. They will be able to describe the most important environmental regulations in a given field within the European Union law and position them in relations to international law and regulations in the Member States.
Module 1: Introduction to the course. General framework. Students will gain knowledge on the history of the emergence of International Environmental Law and treaty-based international regime.
Module 2: Relationship between European and National Environmental Law. Infringement procedure. Students will identify specific responsibilities resting on Member States and the EU itself.
Module 3: Nature and species protection. Students will gain insight into policy goals and legislative that allow nature to recover and flourish (by green and blue infrastructure, among others).
Module 4: Air quality. Focus of the module is the Air Quality Directive.
Module 5: Industrial emissions. Students will learn about the Industrial Emissions Directive and pillars it is based on.
Module 6: Waste management. Students will get familiar with EU laws related to waste in the context of the Circular Economy Action Plan.
Module 7: Water law and policy. Students will analyse vague “EU water legislation”.