International Conference: Estate, Succession and Autonomy – new assets and new trends & 5th International Congress ADFAS 2023
The discussion concerning the free transmission of private property should not be restricted to a political level; instead, it should be extended and include topics such as the protection of fundamental rights. The extent to which the State interferes with individual choices of the holder of wealth, namely through the taxation system, reflects the fundamental values of a society. The role of reducing inequalities should not be limited to the State, rather it should include each one of us. Society should make wealth holders aware of the social function of private property, providing them with autonomy on “how" to realize such social function and which communities and needs they will assist. Today, Society demands that private wealth must somehow benefit communities, promoting intragenerational solidarity and preventing intergenerational transmission of poverty.
It has become generally accepted that succession issues concern each one of us, therefore Law has to find new ways to address the challenges of the relationship of each citizen with goods, without excluding others, positioning the holder of goods as a member of a wider community. The reflection over the question of private autonomy, in the sense that each citizen can determine the fate of his property post mortem, has to take place in the broader context of current problems regarding new goods, and of private property and collective goods.
This Congress will focus on all these topics above, providing as well an overview on the state of the art of the legal frameworks from selected countries.
We invite you to join us in the ancient, most noble, loyal and undefeated city of Porto, in Portugal!
Saiba mais sobre o 5º Congresso Internacional da ADFAS, aqui.
