ISP Dialogues: Migration Landscape: Global, European and Portuguese Insights

Terça-feira , 18 de Março 2025 - 14:30

Sala Porsche | Universidade Católica Portuguesa - Porto

Rua de Diogo Botelho 1327
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No âmbito do International Studies Programme, são realizadas conferências abertas à comunidade com oradores convidados sobre temas específicos no âmbito do Direito Internacional e Europeu e das Relações Internacionais.

ISP Dialogues: Migration Landscape: Global, European and Portuguese Insights

Speaker: Vasco Malta, Head of Mission of the International Organization for Migration in Portugal

Date: Tuesday, 18 March 2025, 2:30pm
Room: Porsche, EAA Building

Vasco Malta, has a degree in Law and a L.LM. in European Law in a Global Context, by Católica School of Law. Completed in 2021, by Harvard Business Publishing School, the course “Strategic Thinking and Management” successfully. He is a lawyer since 2005 and started his work in the human rights area within the High Commissioner for Migration and Intercultural Dialogue, in Portugal, in 2009. He was also legal adviser to the Commission for Equality and Against Racial Discrimination and was part of the Portuguese National Commission for Human Rights. He was appointed, by the Portuguese Government, since 2009 as a National Liaison Officer to the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, and since 2014 until 2018, worked in the Agency based in Austria as a National Expert, coordinating the National Liaison Officers network, the National Parliaments Focal Points network, the Working Party on Hate Crime project, among other projects. Since 1 February of 2018 he was appointed as Deputy of the High Commissioner for Migration in Portugal, and since 1 March 2019, Head of Migration Policy, International Relations, Enrolment of Migrants of the High Commissioner for Migration. In November 2019 he was appointed as Deputy of the PT Minister of Home Affairs, with the areas of migration, refugees, and traffic of human beings. In November 2020, after an international selection process, he was appointed as Head of Mission of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) (United Nations Migration Agency) in Portugal. In February 2024, he was awarded by the Brazilian Government/President of Brazil, with the Order of Rio Branco, in the rank of Commander, for the “services provided in favor of migrants over the last 15 years”. He is often a guest speaker at several national and international conferences, and he is part of the diplomatic corps accredited in Portugal.

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