Learning Outcomes
- Teach the basic notions of Portuguese Intellectual Property Law;
- Reflection about the most important contemporary problems in this area, namely because of digitalization, internet and Portuguese EU membership;
- Development of analysis and reflection skills and of the ability to apply intellectual property rights to specific situations.
I Copyright and Related Rights
- Introduction;
- Legislation;
- Principles;
- Work: requirements and types;
- Author and holder of copyrights;
- Personal and patrimonial content;
- Duration, limitations and exemptions of copyright protection;
- Licences and transfer of copyright, copyleft and creative commons;
- Related Rights;
- Infringement of copyrights, related rights, technological protection measures and DRM sistems;
- Jurisdiction and procedure;
- Managing societies;
- Nature and structure;
- Paradoxes in Information Society.
II Industrial Property
- Introduction;
- Legislation;
- Principles;
- Common rules;
- Patents and utility models: notion, protection requirements, effects, limitations, exemptions;
- Designs and models: notions, protection requirements, effects, limitations, exemptions;
- Trademarks: notion, types, protection requirements, effects, limitations, exemptions;
- Invalidation and extinction;
- Infringement and remedies;
- Jurisdiction and procedure;
- Unlawful competition;
- Overlapping.