A Aula Aberta da Pós-Graduação em Direito da Família Empresária realizar-se-á no dia 6 de julho, pelas 13h e será subordinada ao tema "How to keep the spirit of family companies alive for generations to come".
Administradora Não Executiva Jumbo Netherlands, BA Glass Portugal, Broadview Holding B.V. Netherlands

In her diversified curriculum, it is worth mentioning a vast experience in management positions, both in executive and non-executive roles, and a successful track record regarding significant and consistent progress and improvements in terms of security and cost reduction in the service of different organizations that she has successfully led in major change projects (mergers, acquisitions, sale dealings and restructurings), as well as in the context of family businesses.
A sessão será ministrada em inglês e online, via Zoom.
Leia o artigo "A importância da formação específica no âmbito da Empresa Familiar", por Rita Lobo Xavier - coordenadora do curso