A 3ª conferência do Semestre de Outono conta com a presença de Célia Manaia, docente e investigadora da Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, e é subordinada ao tema “Microbes, those great puppeteers!”
No âmbito do International Studies Programme, são realizadas conferências abertas à comunidade com oradores convidados sobre temas específicos no âmbito do Direito Internacional e Europeu e das Relações Internacionais.
Com uma variedade de convidados de diferentes origens pessoais e profissionais, os ISP Dialogues fomentam e encorajam o pensamento crítico, contextos interdisciplinares, e uma abordagem abrangente e humanista tanto do Direito Internacional como do Direito Europeu e das Relações Internacionais.
A conferência realizar-se-á a 25 de outubro, às 11h00, na sala EAA003.
Entrada livre.
Célia M. Manaia is Associate Professor at the Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa (ESB/UCP). Her teaching and research activities focus on microbiology and genetics. Over the last decades, she has been dedicated to the study of antibiotic resistance and its spread in the environment, mainly through the urban water cycle. In this context, her research activity has been characterised by integration in multidisciplinary international teams where microbiology, chemistry and engineering interact around the problem of water pollution, also with association to business and public bodies (e.g. WHO, FAO, JRC-EU). She is currently President of the Committee of Ethics in Technology, Social Sciences and Humanities at the UCP, Vice President of the Portuguese Society of Microbiology, Vice President of the International Committee on Systematics of Prokaryotes and member of the editorial boards of scientific journals.
ISP Dialogues: “Microbes, those great puppeteers!” with Célia Manaia
Within the International Studies Programme, open conferences to the community will be held with guest speakers on specific themes within the scope of international and European law and international relations.
With a variety of invitees from different personal and professional backgrounds, the ISP Dialogues will foster and encourage critical thinking, interdisciplinary contexts, and a comprehensive and humanistic approach of both International and European Law and International Relations.
The invitee of the next Dialogue is Célia Manaia – Associate Professor of Biotechnology - within the theme “Microbes, those great puppeteers!”.
Room EAA003 - Américo Amorim Building.
Célia M. Manaia is Associate Professor at the Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa (ESB/UCP). Her teaching and research activities focus on microbiology and genetics. Over the last decades, she has been dedicated to the study of antibiotic resistance and its spread in the environment, mainly through the urban water cycle. In this context, her research activity has been characterised by integration in multidisciplinary international teams where microbiology, chemistry and engineering interact around the problem of water pollution, also with association to business and public bodies (e.g. WHO, FAO, JRC-EU). She is currently President of the Committee of Ethics in Technology, Social Sciences and Humanities at the UCP, Vice President of the Portuguese Society of Microbiology, Vice President of the International Committee on Systematics of Prokaryotes and member of the editorial boards of scientific journals.